$77.00 USD

12 monthly payments

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BTS - Unscripted Insights, Paving the Path

Behind The Scenes (BTS) Membership

✴ THE PROGRAM: Immerse yourself in a year-long, transformational journey with our BTS membership. Witness the evolution of my own business in real-time, alongside an intimate group of like-minded spirits. This program is designed to share the raw, authentic realities of scaling a business, hiring a team, and stepping into a new level of personal and professional success.


✴ THE OFFERINGS: Throughout this 12-month journey, you'll be privy to a myriad of experiences designed to fuel your entrepreneurial spirit and personal growth:

  • Monthly BTS live sessions where I reveal the inner workings of my business and its growth
  • Interactive hot-seat sessions where you have the opportunity to discuss your business challenges and successes
  • Recordings of every session uploaded within 48 hours, ensuring you won't miss a beat
  • Exclusive networking opportunities with an intimate group of motivated, successful entrepreneurs
  • Personalized advice and insights tailored to your business aspirations and goals

✴ THE SUPPORT: You'll receive guidance and insights directly from me, based on the current happenings in my business. You'll also benefit from the shared wisdom and diverse experiences of your fellow BTS members.

✴ THE PERSONALIZATION: This program isn't just about observing - it's about evolving. Each hot-seat session is a chance for you to gain insights tailored to your unique entrepreneurial journey.

✴ THE TRANSFORMATION: Join BTS and step boldly into the unknown, armed with the knowledge, experiences, and community that can help you grow your business in powerful, unexpected ways. Watch as I navigate my own journey and use those insights to fuel your own path to success.