$555.00 USD

5 monthly payments

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3 Month Voxer Coaching Payment Plan

✴ THE PROGRAM: Experience a transformative 1-month coaching journey tailored specifically to your unique needs and aspirations. With daily Voxer access from Monday to Thursday, together we'll manifest a thriving business that aligns with your divine purpose and generates abundant wealth. You'll receive personalized guidance, support, and inspiration to propel your business forward and achieve your desired goals.

Price: $2,222
Duration: 3 month
Delivery: Voxer access with messages checked twice daily, Monday-Thursday

✴ THE MILESTONES: Throughout the 3-month program, we'll focus on key milestones that support consistent growth and progress in your business. These milestones will help you establish a solid foundation, streamline your marketing and sales strategies, and scale your business to reach its fullest potential.

✴ THE SUPPORT: You'll receive unparalleled support and guidance through daily Voxer access, with messages checked twice a day from Monday to Thursday. This allows you to ask questions, receive feedback, and maintain momentum throughout the entire 3-month coaching experience.

✴ THE PERSONALIZATION: As a valued Voxer coaching client, you'll receive customized advice and insights designed specifically for your business, goals, and vision. This tailored approach allows us to focus on what truly matters and enables you to reach new heights in your entrepreneurial journey.

✴ THE TRANSFORMATION: Embrace the Goddess energy and step into your true power as a successful, heart-centered entrepreneur. By the end of the 3-month Voxer coaching program, you'll have the knowledge, tools, and confidence to create a thriving business that resonates with your divine purpose and attracts your dream clients effortlessly.


Terms and Conditions